Merge Culture (M&A)
Amplifying Performance, Reach, and Value Through Culturally-Aligned Mergers
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Realizing the true value of an M&A
You might feel that your M&A opportunities are generally solid. However, culturally-specific opportunities, risks, and impacts remain to be validated or are an afterthought. Given the inherently uncertain nature of mergers and acquisitions, you might be thinking about how to best address the cultural, leadership, and performance differences in order to benefit from the increased revenue, market share, and exceptional talents in both the short and long term. You might also be wondering how to build a deep level of trust between previously competing teams, and align everyone with a common vision and culture where the expanded company is stronger and better than before.
It’s not uncommon that during an M&A, cultural impacts and opportunities have been left to chance, which can create significant long-term liabilities in the company at large. How can you protect against this?
Realizing the true value of an M&A
You might feel that your M&A opportunities are generally solid. However, culturally-specific opportunities, risks, and impacts remain to be validated or are an afterthought. Given the inherently uncertain nature of mergers and acquisitions, you might be thinking about how to best address the cultural, leadership, and performance differences in order to benefit from the increased revenue, market share, and exceptional talents in both the short and long term. You might also be wondering how to build a deep level of trust between previously competing teams, and align everyone with a common vision and culture where the expanded company is stronger and better than before.
It’s not uncommon that during an M&A, cultural impacts and opportunities have been left to chance, which can create significant long-term liabilities in the company at large. How can you protect against this?
Culturally-Aligned Mergers: How Exceptional
Results are Made
You might feel that your M&A opportunities are generally solid. However, culturally-specific opportunities, risks, and impacts remain to be validated or are an afterthought. Given the inherently uncertain nature of mergers and acquisitions, you might be thinking about how to best address the cultural, leadership, and performance differences in order to benefit from the increased revenue, market share, and exceptional talents in both the short and long term. You might also be wondering how to build a deep level of trust between previously competing teams, and align everyone with a common vision and culture where the expanded company is stronger and better than before.
It’s not uncommon that during an M&A, cultural impacts and opportunities have been left to chance, which can create significant long-term liabilities in the company at large. How can you protect against this?
Despite the brevity of this window of opportunity, deftly and strategically implemented Cultural Alignment and Integration programs can deliver vastly more than what is often seen as just a chance to ‘shake up’ underperforming units wherever they may be. Decisively utilized, Cultural Alignment and Integration Programs can deliver exemplary opportunities for lifting the merged culture vastly higher than a typical ‘sum of the parts’ organizational integration could hope to achieve.
Reinforced by the classic saying that “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” culturally-led M&A integrations enable and empower people with shared values to support each other to overcome the inevitable challenges and achieve ambitious goals efficiently and meaningfully.
For many companies, beginning with Reimaginez’s proven, actionable, and decisive M&A Cultural Due Diligence and M&A Cultural Integration Programs will establish a solid foundation to begin reaping the benefits of culturally-aligned strategic interventions. Combining these programs will develop the self-leadership and formal leadership skills of each unit’s formal and informal leaders. Results include dramatically smoother integrations, increased resource efficiency, and improved growth and performance opportunities for your entire team.
It’s not uncommon that during an M&A, cultural impacts and opportunities have been left to chance, which can create significant long-term liabilities in the company at large. How can you protect against this?
Are you looking to amplify your impact and reach?
As the co-founder of a company that, for years, completely ignored the importance of building teams that share the same values and are culturally aligned, my perspective completely changed after working with Therese during the merger and acquisition (M&A) process for selling a division of my company. Therése assisted my team and me during the delicate transition from the seller to the buyer. Data show that 70-90% of M&As fail because key people leave, teams don’t get along, or demotivation sets in to the company being acquired. M&As are designed to benefit shareholders and not employees; corporations don’t understand the importance of investing in cultural integration before and after the merger and acquisition.
Therese and Reimaginez have developed a thorough and effective program for ensuring successful cultural integrations. One year after the merger, my team and I are extremely happy with the transition and can confirm we are in a much better environment than before. This would not have been possible without Therése’s guidance.
Reimaginez’s mission and work has a strong, undeniable, and beneficial impact on American businesses. The work enables one of the cores of the American economy, startups, to grow, prosper and add value to humanity.
I plan on leveraging Therese and Reimaginez for my future entrepreneurial endeavors.
Salvatore Savo
Co-founder of TetraScience and CTO of Elemental Machines
Actionable Ways to Successfully Merge Culture
Aligning everyone around your vision before, during, and after the merger allows you to champion all of your current and incoming High Achievers more effectively, remove toxicity before it becomes entrenched, and design the acceleration of a post-merger impact through an empowered, energized, and high performing culture.
Reimaginez’s proven and actionable programs elevate and unify teams around next level growth and purpose
Assessing Strategic and Cultural Alignment: Capturing Untapped Potential and Minimizing Cultural Liabilities Before Day One Together
M&A Cultural Due Diligence (DD)
The majority of M&A integrations lack critically-designed cultural and strategic alignment and are unsurprisingly at significant risk of failing. This is supported by additional research, which indicates that in the majority of integration failures, the primary cause of the failure was not because the strategy was too far off the mark – far from it. The research shows that the majority of organizational integrations failed because either the degree of existing cultural resistance was significantly underestimated or the cultures of the resulting business units’ merged cultures were never properly addressed, integrated, or aligned with the Executive Management teams’ pre-merger expectations.
These unfortunate outcomes can be avoided. To meet these challenges, Reimaginez developed the acclaimed and highly impactful Cultural Due Diligence Assessments. These assessments are customizable, value-based, and can be rapidly distributed across the entire organization. Based on the assessment results and Cultural Due Diligence, bespoke achievement-focused Cultural Integration Programs can be designed and rolled out by the management teams’ individual developments and capabilities. This ensures that the new, post-merger cultural norms are fully aligned among all parties around the pre-merger expectations.
Enhancing and Enabling Post-Merger Culture: Golden Opportunities for Obtaining Rapid and Sustainable Results
M&A Cultural Integration: Management-Focused
When two companies merge, attention and focus often center around the merger’s financial, legal, and IP aspects. However, aligning culture and leadership is essential for the new environment’s successful future.
Science knows that culturally-driven companies as a whole outperform their traditionally managed counterparts by 18%, with more revenue per employee on average, but knowing that is not enough. Your leaders will have to be capable of inspiring and uplifting the newly merged organization’s culture as it emerges and guiding the whole company into the formidable player that level of exceptional performance entails.
Reimaginez’s highly impactful and proven Cultural Transformational Programs facilitate the integration of different cultures and work in parallel with programs to establish trust, focus, and a shared vision across all teams to achieve both short– and long-term success and growth.
Enhancing, Strengthening, and Maximizing the Value and Reach of Your Company’s Culture
M&A Cultural Integration: Whole Company-Focused
Hyper-focus and hyper-delivery are for you – now more than ever – the name of the game. But how do you merge competitors’ who were previously at battle without slowing down, without taking a break, and without coming up for air? All while living up to the market’s expectations for not just meeting but exceeding your previous best efforts despite the complications of incessant integrations, adjustments, and changes around what feels like everybody all the time. No wonder this is so hard to do effectively.
As you reach exponential scaling, misalignments will be magnified and minor imperfections, once resolved with a quick phone call, can cause major delays and significant setbacks. Because of these intense forces, full-scale M&A cultural integrations must be immediate, actionable, and uniquely attuned to the nuances contained within each situation’s critical needs.
The unifying focus of these initiatives includes comprehensive cultural and value alignment, enhanced interpersonal trust, easier collaboration, and overall achievement towards the new and more ambitious goals.
Highlighted Case Studies and Success Stories
Merging Two Rival Companies Into One Thriving Company and Culture
3x Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), positioning the company as the dominant player in their niche
Realigning and Launching a Successful Impact Fund
45% Revenue Increase During the Pandemic for an 18-year-old company
Want to read more?
I hereby give Therese Gedda my highest recommendation both as a strategic advisor and as a motivational speaker. I have had the great joy of encountering Ms. Gedda on several occasions and she continually over delivers. Her spoken qualities are excellent as well as her analytic capabilities as an advisor.
Johan Jörgensen
Founder and Partner at Grädde Invest. Venture Capitalist of the year, 2011
From Aligning to Merging Culture
Learn more about our additional High Performance Cultural Programs
Cultural Alignment is Your
Secret Advantage
Culture Determines Success: Culturally-Driven Companies Achieve 18% More Revenue Per Employee than the Average
High Achievers Outperform
Average Workers by 14% in
Productivity, 18% in Sales,
High Achievers are the Heart and Soul of Your Company: How are you Attracting Top Talent to Your Company?
Your Chapter of Hyper-Growth: From Cultural Legacy to Market Transformation and Beyond
Amplifying Performance,
Reach, and Value Through
Culturally Aligned Mergers
Want to Learn More About Designing High Performance Cultures?
Hidden In Plain Sight – How A Company’s Culture Impacts Revenue, Growth, And Minimize Risks. Investor Edition
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