Grow with High Achievers

High Achievers are the heart and soul of your company – How are you attracting top talent to your company?

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When Culture-Based Recruitment is Overlooked

You might be experiencing a challenge recruiting top talent, and your recent growth is highlighting this need. Finding and attracting High Achieving individuals with a deep level of drive and commitment, who are passionate about contributing to something bigger than themselves, can feel like an impossible task. You have an amazing team and looking to grow it with exceptional High Achievers, but you are unsure how to achieve this effectively in today’s economy.


Growing with Value-Aligned High Achievers on a Mission

High performing individuals overwhelmingly prioritize purpose, value, and cultural alignment. Top talent are looking to thrive in companies whose values and vision align with their own. When their daily efforts contribute towards significant causes, it helps team members feel more connected, energized, motivated, and engaged in the workplace. By creating culturally-based recruitment initiatives, it becomes possible for both you as a company and the talent being recruited to identify when your alignment is the strongest and set up for future success.

Creating this lasting sense of engagement among High Achievers is achieved by designing and supporting opportunities for strategic collaboration between teams and across the organization. These collaborations create and foster a remarkable and amplified sense of high engagement and serve to attract additional High Achievers to seek out and join your company.


As today’s competition for top talent continues to accelerate, providing a strong and definitive culture that supports and celebrates High Achievers, and helps them to thrive, becomes a distinct competitive advantage in attracting these valued team members in the short- and long-term.

Ready to get started?

…we engaged Therése and Reimaginez to deliver their Cultural and Leadership Program.


They have worked extensively with many startups (especially at different stages of growth) which has given them the empathy to be attentive and responsive to fast-paced environments. They bring a unique combination of coaching management teams on both leadership development and business strategy, scale-up challenges, and establishing the right company values to enable a clear strategic direction. I was particularly impressed when they were able to bridge between people of different professional and personality backgrounds and get everyone “speaking the same language.”


By bringing their unique perspective on how to design and scale cultures to enable companies to grow sustainably, this program has had a lasting impact on our productivity and performance and has greatly improved collaboration and communication across the company. Over the years they have developed proprietary techniques and frameworks to model company culture, workplace engagement, leadership development, and recruitment (to name a few) to enable these skills to become teachable and actionable.

Sridhar Iyengar

Founder & CEO at Elemental Machines

Actionable Ways to Grow with High Achievers

Attract, recruit, and onboard High Achievers, boost their performance, keep toxicity away from your company, and help your people thrive via the leadership philosophies of tomorrow.


Reimaginez’s proven and actionable programs will elevate you to the next level



Your Peak Performance Speaks Volumes:
How to Attract and Retain The Best Talent

Keynote Address ‘Growing and Magnifying Your Dream Teams – Creating a Thriving Future with Culture-Based Recruitment’


High Achievers thrive alongside fellow High Achievers, and they attract each other. Today’s High Achievers are increasingly driven by purpose, the desire to excel, and opportunities to contribute. They seek impact and greatness and look for company values that align with their own. Attracting additional High Achievers to your company starts with championing and showcasing your existing High Achievers’ brilliance while attracting and inviting their potential teammates. In this way, through value-based recruitment and building upon the best elements of your high-performing culture, you will be able to accelerate your ability to attract and retain the best performers – people whose values and mindsets resonate fully with your teams and culture. To kickstart this work, aligning and inspiring your people on how to best build your dream team during a Reimaginez Retreat or event with a keynote address and/or workshops is the easiest way to get started. 


Growing and Magnifying Your Dream Teams: Creating a Thriving Future with Culture-Based Recruitment

Reimaginez’s Recruit on Culture Program 


To consistently benefit from the considerable effort of truly high-quality recruiting, it is essential to do it once, to do it right, and to do it with proven, repeatable, and expert-led cultural recruiting processes across your entire company. This ensures that each new hire is a brilliant fit for both sides and that both your company and your dream team members will have the necessary space, challenges, and opportunities for them to thrive.


So how do you do it once and do it right with your recruiting?


By deeply understanding the complete picture of the depth and breadth of your cultural, leadership, and skills-based environments, it will become possible to design and fully implement exceptionally powerful expert-led cultural recruitment capable of becoming one of your company’s major competitive advantages. Powered by Reimaginez’s People and Purpose Centric Recruit on Culture Framework™, this Recruit on Culture program will imbue your leaders with new capabilities and tools for effectively identifying people with untapped potential and talent. Additionally, your High Achievers will gain a greater understanding of how to attract and inspire value-aligned and high performing people and how to properly prepare the next generation of your company’s leaders.


The company-wide results of this program are as immediately useful and insightful as they are rewarding. In fact, it is often said during these programs that the financial returns and recruiting impacts are worth the effort on their own. However, it is the insights into your company’s existing cultural patchwork, ways of working, and structure of organizational relationships that make the long-term results of this commitment shine.


Maximizing The Talent Journey: Identifying, Welcoming, Championing, and Amplifying Your High Achievers

Culture-Based Recruitment and Performance Onboarding 


The health and vibrancy of your people and purpose-driven culture is the bedrock of your thriving company. However, without a continued focus and investment in proactively maximizing your company’s talent journey during rapid expansion, this foundation will, at some point, almost certainly become unstable, putting your achievements at significant risk. Unfortunately, this means that with just a few bad hires, you risk struggling with depressed KPIs resulting from low engagement scores across the company and, ultimately, with your best people leaving. Even worse, by not addressing the root causes of these problems in time, you will be actively allowing toxicity to seep into your company culture just when your best and most positive people are leaving, jeopardizing everything you have built.


After all, finding each team’s perfect new talents takes so much more effort and insight than just looking at their list of experiences and formal education, and asking yourself if you want to go for a beer with the individual. To consistently welcome High Achievers into your company, it’s essential to ensure an exceptional fit for both sides every time. 


To do this, we need to reimagine from the ground up how recruitment is done. 


These existential risks can be largely mitigated by properly designing, implementing, and scaling future-oriented, value-based systems and methods such as Reimaginez’s cultural recruitment processes and cultural playbook to ensure you are systematically attracting and retaining High Achievers who deeply believe in and share your company’s foundational values and mindset. This typically starts with Culture-Based Recruitment and Performance Onboarding. With these systems and tools in place, you will be able to consistently attract, welcome, and retain the critical mass of High Achievers you and your team must quickly and effectively onboard to exceed its growth and performance goals for the coming 6, 12, and, 18 months, and beyond.

Highlighted Case Studies and Success Stories 

3x Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), positioning the company as the dominant player in their niche

45% Revenue Increase During the Pandemic for an 18-year-old company

Developing Six Innovations with One of Them Worth $3.5M in Revenue Over Four Years

10x Deal Sizes

Want to read more?

Therese is a fantastic entrepreneurial speaker and CEO advisor who shakes the sky. With almost two decades of experience, she has an excellent understanding of how to design and scale a thriving company culture and how to peak performance as a leader and high achiever. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing her on stage several times, delivering a keynote speech at an exclusive conference in Stockholm, as part of a thought-provoking panel at an international book launch, and a workshop to coach and motivate the business elite. Therese is incredibly articulate, insightful, and inspiring. On every occasion, the audience left on cloud nine, empowered to challenge the status quo and make a big impact in their businesses, careers, and lives.

Amanda Evans


100 +
Founders & C-Level Clients Served
100 +
Keynotes and Talks Delivered
300 +
Company Cultures Impacted

From Aligning to Merging Culture 
Learn more about our additional High Performance Cultural Programs  

Cultural Alignment is Your

Secret Advantage

Culture Determines Success: Culturally-Driven Companies Achieve 18% More Revenue Per Employee than the Average

High Achievers Outperform

Average Workers by 14% in

Productivity, 18% in Sales, 

and 23% in Profitability

High Achievers are the Heart and Soul of Your Company: How are you Attracting Top Talent to Your Company?

Your Chapter of Hyper-Growth: From Cultural Legacy to Market Transformation and Beyond

Amplifying Performance,

Reach, and Value Through

Culturally Aligned Mergers

Want to Learn More About Designing High Performance Cultures? ​

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We can’t wait to talk to you about high performance thriving cultures

3x Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), positioning the company as the dominant player in their niche

Client: High-growth, VC-backed life sciences company headquartered in the US.

Challenge: Engage a mixed culture of High Performers and Cruisers to develop and scale a High Achieving Culture during an unprecedented period of growth, fundraising, growing pains, and new business.

Results: To implement a cultural transformation, we focused on a mix of strategic, tactical, and operational programs and initiatives. Reimaginez implemented several cultural initiatives and training and development programs, which enabled the team to experience a 50% increase in growth with High Performers.

To level up the team, we implemented several Futuristic Leadership Programs for management and next-generation leaders to strengthen and level up the teams. Alongside the client, we also advanced the culture and leadership from a mixed performance to a High Achieving Culture.


We helped the company to develop a proven recruitment methodology to attract more culturally aligned High Performers; the client adopted and implemented the proprietary processes, models, and frameworks that included The People and Purpose Centric Recruit on Culture Framework™.


We helped the company shift to a fully-remote model, align resources and people, and scale the company. Additionally, we leveraged product-market fit to increase market share that led to becoming the dominant player in their niche by creating a 3x growth in Annual Recurring Revenue in one year.


45% Revenue Increase During the Pandemic for an 18-year-old company

Client: Founder and CEO of an 18-year-old high-growth SaaS company in Europe with over nearly 200 million USD in annual revenue and a significant presence in 38 countries.

Challenge: Strengthen and align the CEOs, management team, and the board, remove roadblocks of internal conflicts to scale and set the company up for success with a strategic and cultural plan.

Results: With an already thriving culture, company leadership needed help navigating challenges that included removing toxic individuals and refinancing the company. Therese worked directly with the CEO to elevate his leadership and public image, partner with stakeholders, and thrive under extreme pressure. There was also success in strengthening the management team, leveling up performance throughout the company, and improving cultural initiatives. 

Therese also provided long- and short-term strategic, operational, and tactical support to scale and set the direction of the company with the 2028 vision in mind. These pillars helped the client align the board and leadership on collaboration, strengthen the culture of kindness and performance, and execute initiatives to substantially outperform growth targets. 

The outcome of addressing these challenges swiftly resulted in a 45% growth in revenue which is the best year-over-year (YOY) in the company’s history.



Developing Six Innovations with One of Them Worth $3.5M in Revenue Over Four Years

Client: High-growth, Series B life sciences company based in Massachusetts.

Challenge: Despite an established market share and early successes, the company had lost some of its innovative edge. They were looking to reignite the creative and innovative spirit they were founded upon and develop innovative high-value products and services to grow market share and revenue.  

ResultsOver ten months, we delivered our Innovation Reimagined Program to several senior technical leaders, including the CTO. The program’s goal was to develop an innovation culture, an innovation mindset among the leaders, and develop one innovation that was ready for launch with a significant impact on revenue. 


During the program, we explore the customer-centric philosophy and strategy alongside looking at innovation, market opportunities, and value-creation for the customers in a more holistic and analytical way while applying creativity and design thinking to the process. 


The program didn’t only develop one innovation but six in total. They were created in collaboration with the company’s dream customers, aligned with the vision of the company, and in service to the market. This market pull instead of market push approach helped the company create a unique and tailored innovation strategy with products and services desired by the market and a readiness to buy. 


One of the innovations alone was worth half a million year one and one million per year for the following three. Besides the overall value of $3.5M in revenue for one innovation alone, the additional innovations secured the company’s competitiveness in the market and additional revenue with high profitability. 


Besides developing six innovations in two different product categories, the team members also ended up closing a significant deal with one of the dream customers who they co-created with during the program. 


In essence, this customer-centric innovation program enabled the development of a strong culture of innovation, amplified the company’s impact and strategic direction, and brought in more revenue than the founder could imagine before we started.  



10x Deal Sizes

Client: Serial Founder and CEO of a Series-A health-tech company in the US.

Challenge: Scaling up yearly revenue and closing large commercial partnerships to secure market share.

Results: The underlying challenge was a disconnect between the goals, strategies, and priorities within the company, especially between the engineering and commercial teams. Steps taken included aligning the company around a united vision and strengthening their culture, followed by a targeted commercial strategy focused on clearer dream personas and value propositions. These initiatives resulted in increasing the average deal size by more than ten times.


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